Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair

An ingrown hair will develop when the hair does not grow straight out of the follicle but instead curls to the side, causing an inflammation or a pimple like bump. This condition is usually caused due to hair removal, whether It be through shaving (hence the term razor bumps), waxing, tweezing or electrolyze.

Ingrown hair, Ingrown hair removal, Skin care
Other possible causes are of ingrown hairs

· Dry skin

· stiff hair

· blocked skin pores

· shaving against the hair growth

Many people will find pimple like bumps on the back of their upper arms, even though that is not an area that people normally shave. This condition is called Keratosis Pilaris, the little bumps contain an ingrown hair that has coiled and cannot exit the surface.

How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs

While in the shower exfoliate your body with a loofah or mesh sponge, while using a moisturizing body wash. This will help will remove the dead skin cells which are probably clogging the hair follicles. Be careful not to overdo it, over -exfoliating may dry out your skin.

Trying shaving in the same direction of the hair growth, or using an electric razor. This will prevent razor bumps.

The use of over-the -counter treatments of ingrown hairs can also be a big help. These after hair removal treatments can be found in pads, lotions and gels. These products usually contain salicylic acid, this helps treat ingrown hairs by exfoliating, moisturizing the skin.

Avoid using products that contain alcohol as they can promote ingrown hairs by drying out the skin, as do shaving creams versus shaving gels which happen to moisturize the skin.

Once you’re out of the shower and your skin is still damp, moisturize with a cream, lotion or oil to help keep the skin soft and from drying out.

Ingrown hair removal tips

· See a dermatologist if the ingrown hairs are persistent and occur often.

· If you use any type of tool, please sterilize them first (tweezer, needles etc.)

· Exfoliating regularly may help with ingrowns.

· The most common reason for ingrowns are tight fitted clothing, so loosen up a little bit.

· Women and men should always shave in the same direction of the hair growth.

· Moisterize areas, ingrown hair treatments are available

posted by Josie Leo at 7:16 PM, | 0 comments